The Stupid Quiz Is A Game Of Puzzles And Logic.

Inspired By The 1% Club And JackSucksAtStuff.

Heres A Fun Riddle:

In shadows deep, where echoes dwell, I lie in wait, a whispered spell. Through labyrinthine paths, you'll roam, Seeking truths in the unknown. With each twist and turn, a test anew, Yet my enigma, ever obscure. In cryptic script, my secrets weave, A puzzle, intricate, hard to perceive. At the crossroads of fate, where choices lie, The final question, 'neath a crimson sky. But beware, adventurer bold, For the button beckons, a tale untold. To press or not, the choice you'll face, But heed this warning, in this place: The button's crimson hue, a dire cue, Its touch unfurls chaos, through and through. So ponder well, with mind astute, For once it's pressed, there's no refute. Unravel my riddles, if you dare, But beware the red button's snare.

If Anyone Solves The Riddle, I Will Be Very Impressed.

Updated 4 days ago
Published 13 days ago
AuthorThe Pebble
Average sessionA few seconds
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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